Church History

In 1953, Sister Bessie Williams visited her sister, Mrs. Tiny Williams, who was ill at the time in Mullins, South Carolina. Bishop Joseph D. Williams came days later to pray for his sister-in-law. While in Mullins, Tiny Williams told Bishop Williams of a vision that the Lord had shown her of a church being established in Mullins.

In July 1953, Bishop Williams and Elder James Anderson found a vacant church building off Highway 76 known as the “Hodges Church,” which was a family-owned church. They began having services and souls were saved.

Ernest Finkley, who was a minister at that time, preached that first sermon at the location formally known as the “Hot Spot.” Elder Calvin Jackson was appointed pastor in 1953. The church prospered and saints came from the Hodges Church to worship with us. The first officers were appointed as follows: Elijah Finkley, Treasurer; Viola Finkley, Church Secretary; Anna Finkley, Sunday School Secretary; and Viola Finkley, Missionary State President.

In 1956, Sister Tiny Williams sold the church the property at 212 Clark Street. The brothers of the church began construction of a new church building. After much hard work and diligence, the new construction was completed. Dedication service was held on January 26, 1958.

Elder Heyward Anderson succeeded Elder Rutherford and worked faithfully for 16 years. When Elder Heyward Anderson became ill, Minister John A. Deas and Minister Roy Brockington assisted him with his ministerial duties. These men labored in the vineyard faithfully as they were instructed to do with the aid of District Elder Ernest Finkley and other men of God.

On November 7, 1976, Bishop J. G. Washington became official pastor with Minister Henry Simmons and J. G. Washington, Jr. as his assistants. His assistants oversaw our weekly services. Minister John A. Deas was reassigned to Florence, South Carolina, and Minister Roy Brockington was assigned to Bennettsville, South Carolina.

In 1978, Minister Brockington left Bennettsville, South Carolina and began having services at his home. Minister Roy Brockington was made interim pastor in 1979. He was officially made pastor at the 1980 Convocation. We regained possession of our property at Clark Street in September 1979.

The Progressive Church of Mullins is still striving to put true Holiness in the forefront. The church has grown from approximately one hundred members to about one hundred and fifty.

In 1995, our pastor, Elder Brockington, met with the saints to announce the purchasing of land to build a new church in a new location. We purchased two acres of land on a road formerly known as George Poole Road.

Our pastor came up with a five-year plan for building the new church and we started our building fund project in 1995. The brothers cleared the land and we held Ground Breaking Services on May 10, 1997.

In 1998, more land was purchased behind the church. Later, in January 1999, the name of the road changed from George Poole Road to Progressive Church Road. The work of the Lord was completed in July of 1999. A project planned for five years was completed in two and a half years.

God is still blessing us just as He has always done down through the years. We are striving to regain the standard and title that we had when Bishop Williams first came to Mullins. Our goal is: “To put True holiness in the forefront.” To God be the Glory!!!